Thursday, July 07, 2011

Oh my, Kyler is 5

Ky blowing out his candle on his chocolate chip pancakes.

Present time! You may notice the all these kids were in the 4th of July pics too. Kyler was due on the 4th but came a couple of hours later. So his actual b-day is the 5th but it is a lot easier to celebrate on the 4th since most everyone has the day off.

Kyler got everything he asked for and then some. He got Hero factories, legos, movie, candy,and a kung zhu. (which is my new favorite way to have a pet, the kung zhu doesn't eat, shed, or poop!)

Ky asked for a hero factory cake. I couldn't figure out how to make one and he told me to just just make a cake and put hero factories by it. So this is my interpretation. I did the flag for two reasons 1: it was the 4th of july 2: it could represent our heroes that fight and protect our freedoms. All and all Kyler was happy with it especially since he had M&Ms and fruit by the foot on his cake.

There he is my big 5 year old. He will also be starting kindergarten next month which tugs at my heart even more.... where has the time gone?

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