Monday, August 30, 2010

My big Kindergartener

All decked out for his first day of school
Getting tired of all mom's picture taking
At the bus stop, with is bus tag from his teacher.

All lined up for the bus... what good kids

On his way ( he is the little face in the 3rd window)

First off I should say that because Landon was soooo excited he honestly couldn't go to sleep last night. I heard or saw him for almost an hour after I put him to bed. Because of that fact, my boys who are always up by 6:30 actually slept until 7:15. Of course on the one day when we need to get up. We woke up to lost of rain and even a little thunder but to top it off we were with out power also. Landon was very excited to see that dad had left a special note for him on the counter before he left to work. He wanted to take the note and show his teacher but I convinced him to just leave it at home. Kyler was being a little stink and didn't want to get dressed or make his bed or put his dishes away. Once we finally got all of us dressed we were off to the bus stop. Then I sent my baby on his way with no tears from either of us, I might add.

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