Friday, October 15, 2010

Pumpkin Picking

Nathan and Gma with HIS pumpkin

Jon helping Ky get 'the chosen one' off the vine.

Since Nathan was too little last to do anything but sleep in the snuggi, this was Very exciting for him. He found this little pumpkin or ball as he calls them, and wouldn't put it down the rest of the night. He got very upset when Jon wanted to put it in the trunk with the other pumpkins.

Landon had a very difficult time picking a pumpkin this was his first pick put not the one he came home with. To try to make it easier to decide Jon told the boys that they have to be able to carry their pumpkin all by themselves.

The moms and kids on the hayride. Jon and Jared are taking the pictures and Gpa Hum was stuck at work.


Mushfique said...
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prahalad said...
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