Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Our House

Sorry it took so long to finally get pictures of the house posted. I wanted all the pictures hung up on the walls and no boxes left up stairs. Anyways, here are a few pics of the house. As you can tell from the outside shot the yard isn't in yet and is probably going to have to wait until spring. With some of the money we received from the sell of our condo we did purchase a few new items... the couches, entertainment center, and a new desk in the office. No matter how many times I clean that TV screen it always seems to have finger prints all over it. I am very excited that I actually have a kitchen that I can move around in. I'm excited about the whole house of course by especially the master bathroom and closet. I've never had that much room before. Now I'm going to need more clothes to fill the closet.The picture of the picture that I posted was the only piece of 'art work' that we bought... in case you can't read what it says under the pics it says 'All because two people fell in love'. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a hopeless romantic so I had to have it... plus we got it for a great price. The kids are loving the house but what they like most is the fact that they have all of their toys back. It is amazing what four months will do to a child when they are away from their own things. Well, that's about it for the house. We are all adjusting and loving our new place and hope that all of y'all will be able to visit sometime in the future.

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