Thursday, March 25, 2010

10 months.... really?!?!

I've been meaning to post some cute pics of my baby but this have been extremely busy for us. So here are pics of Nathan honoring his 10 month mark.

First attempt at corn on the cob.

He was a pro at rolling and army crawling but officially started crawling a couple of weeks ago. Jon said he couldn't get his big belly off the ground and that's why he wouldn't crawl. As his proud mom I can not agree with my dear husband.

Nathan pulls himself up on everything. This was his attempt to get out of having to get dressed this morning. He crawled to his crib and stood up trying to get away from me.

Here is my silly/happy boy. He has been pretty grouchy lately with cutting his top two teeth so this was a good morning. If you look closely his t-shirt says 'my goal is to be as cool as my Daddy' (thanks to grandma)
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1 comment:

Darci said...

i love him- he is so cute! unrelated question- is that a longer metal message board in the background of one of your pics?? where did you get it? :)