Saturday, February 13, 2010


A couple of days ago we got some decent snow for the kiddos to play in. So out we went to our white backyard.

You may realize that there are in deed 4 boys not 3. I was watch Bryon while his parents were having their baby girl. Here are all the boys stopping long enough for the camera to click.

Landon and Bryon made there very own snowman. They came to the sliding door and asked for stuff to make a face. By nap time the top two layers had already fallen off.

This was Nathan's first time actually going to play in the snow. I made him a snowball and he was fascinated with. It was a little difficult to hold with his snow suit on.

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1 comment:

Darci said...

cute! nathan looks like he's trying to decide if the snowball is edible or not...