Monday, December 21, 2009

Sunday Festivities

Sunday started with us attending church of course. Since it was Christmas Sunday I know I wanted my boys to look extra cute. Here they are wearing their matching green ties (from Krista's wedding). At least Nathan's doesn't swallow him anymore... it fit he very nicely. After church we came home and finished packing up holiday goodies, baked a birthday cake, and started our spaghetti sauce for dinner. Once the boys woke up from their naps we bundled everyone up and started delivering goodies to friends in the neighborhood. We decided that it would be easier to simply walk because I wasn't snowing. When we returned home we had a nice cup of hot chocolate and sat by the fire to warm up. I needed to hurry and frost the cake so that I could run to a primary meeting. Once I got back it was time for dinner. We had Jared, Sarah, and Bryon as well as Grandpa and Megan join us for dinner. We had some yummy spaghetti, french bread, and salad. After dinner Jon and I exchanged birthday presents for each other. I got a beautiful necklace and Jon got Guitar Hero. Our friends Darren and Marni came over for cake and ice cream and afterwards Jon and Darren battled it out on guitar hero. Boy was it a busy day.... but a lot of fun.
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Erin said...

Oh my goodness! Your goodies were AMAZING!!! Thank you so much for letting me borrow the snow pants too!

Becky said...

It was your birthday too??? Happy Birthday!!