Saturday, August 01, 2009

Oh No!!!

While I was making dinner on Friday I had Nathan just chilling in his bouncer. It got pretty quiet so I figured he had falling asleep, when I turned around this is what I found. He was sucking his thumb!! When he pulled it out I promptly put his binky in and that little stinker pulled the binky out and put his thumb back in. I really don't want to have to break the thumb sucking habit so I always encourage the binky instead. I hope Nathan doesn't make this a permanent thing.

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Garbett Family said...

Ha, ha! I thought it was funny as I hate pacifiers and encourage thumb sucking! :)

Erin said...

oh but it is sooooo cute! Gracie has been doing the same thing but with her two middle fingers. GAH! these adorable children, I can't stand it!